One and only

Right now life feels hard and Im sad. You're the only light I got.

Another week...

Yesterday I did something extremly boring. Atleast it feels boring when you think of it, but in fact, it's not that boring once you´re doing it. What did I do? I cleaned all the apartment. Very very much and with a very good result. And I did some shopping I needed to do and did some laundry. Feels so good.

Tuesday me and Daniel went to Skövde and did some shopping. Very fun. Bought some stuff to the car, a top, lipgloss, a carpet, a bed/toy for Zoe, a lightning thing I have outside my door and I bet it was some more small stuff that I cant remember right now. But one thing I know for sure is that it wasnt much space left in the car. Thats the way it is is you got a small car. :p

Monday I went to my sister and we were talking a walk with the dogs in the forest while Daniel was changing tires on their car. Sometimes it's very handy with big dogs. Sandra putted Tobbe infront of Jr so he was draging him. It looked so sweet and Sandra very just walking behind and was telling directions for Tobbe. Me, well I was playing with the younger, more crazy dog. It was such a beautiful weather so it was wonderful. 

Today the weather sux a bit, like yesterday, but the difference is that it isn't raining today. So far atleast. Im not gonna do much today at all. I'll send some letters, go to the dentist, buy a magazine, and maybe prepare some papers for tomorrow. And ofc, as every day, make some insanely annoying phonecalls. When Im going tothe dentist Ill drop Jr off at my aunt's daycare so he can play with the other kids, so I bet he'll enjoy it. He will probably have more fun than me during that time.. 

Tomorrow is a busy day tho. Gonna be at a check-up with Jr at 11.30. After that me, Sandra and Daniel will go to Skövde. I need to buy Jr a new pillow coz it seems like he wants a more fluffy one. And 15.00 I need to be at a meeting in Skövde, and after that we'll go back here and cook some food. That's the plan atleast.

Now Im gonna do some lunch and mentally prepare for the dentist.

See you around.

Love Sarah

Sandra, Jr and Tobbe

Tobbe really enjoyed it. He is build for this!


Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone cause, I can't fight it any more.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.

Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door.
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.

I guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
And I said I wouldn't call, but I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.

I just need you now.

Oh baby I need you now.


This song is very special in many ways.
I love it basiclly.

Slacky slacky...

I know... I have been slacking again... but actually this has been a busy week for me. I got good excuses!
Monday I was at my sister's place and was just chilling and also did a bit laundry. Monday evening me and Sandra went to my place and she slept over here. On our way here we actually saw 2 elks running over the street. That was a bit scary..

Tuesday morning me and Sandra went to our parents. We took a break at the shoppingmall in Trollhättan and ate some and were loading our batteries for the big event... fishing lobster! Sandra is so into fishing and in some wierd way she got me to follow. So just when we arrived to our parents we just changed clothes (to warm clothes!!) and went to the seahouse where daddy was waiting, ready to go. The weather was everything besides good and even tho I was wearing my skidress it felt like I was freezing my ass off. I mean it was a very funny time but cold, and noo lobsters. Just some scarabs and two recluse crayfishes. I dont know if thats the correct word for it, but anyway, they are so extremly funny and Sandra became best friend with one of them. One we just throwed back into the sea right away but we kept one in the boat. Sandra thought it was our new pet, a pretty boring pet, but yeah. We were really trying to get him out of the shell but we didnt succeed very well. He was on his way out but the I scared him by laughing Sandra said. We named him Kurt.

Wednesday we went back home again. We were both very tired and Im happy coz I got the rest of my stuff here which was standing at my parents.

Thursday. Boring day. Didnt know what to do but I was very tempted to go to the funny store in Hjo where they just sell stuff for your house. Decoration stuff etc. Paradise! The only problem was that Sandra promised a friend of her to follow and watch our crownprincess and the prince coz they were in town, so it became a bit tight but we maneged. And then started to snow insanely. That was wierd. After that we went to Sandra and Daniel and made some meatballs. Yummi. THen I was going home coz I had a friend coming over that evening.

Friday. Lazy day. I had an extremly headache the whole day. I decided to clean and shop some food and I visited the girl who had this apartment before me, in her new apartment.

Today, Saturday. I went to Skövde and met Martin and my aunt. We were in the shoppingmall and were checking for stuff to Martin's apartment. He miss alot on the walls so we were haunting stuff to put up there. After that we went to his apartment and ate some dinner. Yummi! And after that I went back home again, made an omelett, putting up my new lamp (since Zoe destroyed one this morning!), and here I am now. Have burned some movies to Sandra. Jr is sleeping so Im just relaxing, listening to music etc. Tomorrow evening Ill go to Sandra and Daniel and eat with them and play Bingo! Hehe we'll see how that goes. Fingers crossed! 

Now Im gonna sit down in the sofa and just enjoy being inside and hear the rain pour down outside. 
See you soon. 
Love Sarah 

Isnt she cute?! :D  

Here is Sandra with out pet Kurt.

Sandra found a treasure she couldnt resist...

See how happy she is! :)


Here are some pictures on my lovely cat :)

That's all for now. See you around.


Yesterday it was insanely beautiful weather, a perfect day to go out and look for mushrooms! :) Me, Sandra, Daniel, Junior and Daniel's parents' dogs went out for a walk in the forest. It was very funny but I know it's a little bit too late. It's so cold at nights here now and then it gets pretty hard to find some, but we actually found a few. :)

After that we went to Sandra and Daniel's place and made a pie with bacon, ham, cheese and broccoli. That was yummi! After that I went home and cleaned a bit, and then my cousin Martin came to me and we were sitting and chating the whole evening and drank some. Very nice to hang out just the two of us. It was a while ago. Good old memories.

Today I have been in Skövde and were just walking around in the beautiful weather. Very nice. After that I went to my aunt and ate dinner and spent some time with them, and since Martin still were there he followed me here again, and we were putting up some stuff on the walls and I am very happy with the result. Now threre isnt much left to do as far as I know in the apartment. Ill get the rest of my stuff on Tuesday and then it's completed. :) 

Here are some pictures from yesterday in the forest: 



Sandra, Tobbe, Daniel and Junior



Sandra and Tobbe

Me and Basse

Time to go home, daddy :)



Okey lets see.
Tomorrow it's Friday again. Just got one word that explains Friday... Yaaaay !
I dont know why, I just feel so motivated on Fridays, for some wierd reason.. but on the other hand, Im a bit wierd aswell so maybe it's a perfect match? :)

Today I have been doing laundry and I can tell you, that was a challenge. Not laundry itself coz that's easy, but I did something really really stupid that I dont even should mention. I just had to tell someone so I called my sister and she laughed her ass off and so did I coz it's always funny afterwards. Not in the moment when you feel like shit..

Anyway, when my laundry was in the machine I was taking a trip to Hjo coz they have this crazy funny store there. Its all about decoration and its insanely cheap. It's perfect for me! And I think it's so funny to make the apartment nice. I really love my new apartment. It really feels like home and it's as I want it to be.

For the moment Zoe is playing with her toy and she is haunting it over the floor. It looks so funny coz she slips on the floor. Aww poor cat. :) But it seems like she thinks it's funny. That my livingrooms becomes a mess is just my problem, not her's.

Okey, back to tomorrow. I have already planned what to do tomorrow.
First of all I will get dressed etc and after that I will take my little car and drive to my sister. If it's okey weather, which I hope, we will go out and look for mushrooms. We will probably bring Daniel's parents dogs so they can run around in the forrest abit. After that we'll go to their home and make a bacon and broccoli pie. Then we will eat the pie (yummi), and after the dinner and when it starts to become evening Ill go home again and my cousin will come and visit me. Probably have something nice to drink, eat some snacks and just talk bullshit and hang out. Thats the plan atleast, but you never know what's happening. :) Thats the exciting part!

Now Im off to bed to load my batteries for tomorrow!
See you around.

Love / Sarah


Tomorrow its no beer for us dear sister! No, then we might get lost in the forrest! This is just a lovely summerpicture. But maybe we deserve a beer after out mushroom-haunting...

A while..

Ite been a while ago since I was here. It has its reasons so dont worry, but now Im back but Im gonna make this one short.

Today I recived a txt from a friend of mine. She had written down some feeling and thoughts she had. When I read it, it sounded like a poem to me and I got tears in my eyes from it. I will translate it into english so it probably wont be as good as in swedish, but I hope you see the point.

"Do you remember the time when you were a small kid? At that time bullshit didnt excisted. A kiss on the cheek was love. The top of pain you could imagine was when Barbie droped a leg or when the car´s wheel disappeared. But the worst pain you experienced was when you fell and hitted you knee. The biggest fear you had was the monster that was hiding under the bed.
Today its nearly nothing but bullshit. Love change into a big game. Pain is when you cut yourself in the wrist. The deepest moment of crying is when the person you love the most hurt you. The biggest fear is to loose your best friends and never see them again..."

Rebecca Söderlind

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