Slacky slacky...

I know... I have been slacking again... but actually this has been a busy week for me. I got good excuses!
Monday I was at my sister's place and was just chilling and also did a bit laundry. Monday evening me and Sandra went to my place and she slept over here. On our way here we actually saw 2 elks running over the street. That was a bit scary..

Tuesday morning me and Sandra went to our parents. We took a break at the shoppingmall in Trollhättan and ate some and were loading our batteries for the big event... fishing lobster! Sandra is so into fishing and in some wierd way she got me to follow. So just when we arrived to our parents we just changed clothes (to warm clothes!!) and went to the seahouse where daddy was waiting, ready to go. The weather was everything besides good and even tho I was wearing my skidress it felt like I was freezing my ass off. I mean it was a very funny time but cold, and noo lobsters. Just some scarabs and two recluse crayfishes. I dont know if thats the correct word for it, but anyway, they are so extremly funny and Sandra became best friend with one of them. One we just throwed back into the sea right away but we kept one in the boat. Sandra thought it was our new pet, a pretty boring pet, but yeah. We were really trying to get him out of the shell but we didnt succeed very well. He was on his way out but the I scared him by laughing Sandra said. We named him Kurt.

Wednesday we went back home again. We were both very tired and Im happy coz I got the rest of my stuff here which was standing at my parents.

Thursday. Boring day. Didnt know what to do but I was very tempted to go to the funny store in Hjo where they just sell stuff for your house. Decoration stuff etc. Paradise! The only problem was that Sandra promised a friend of her to follow and watch our crownprincess and the prince coz they were in town, so it became a bit tight but we maneged. And then started to snow insanely. That was wierd. After that we went to Sandra and Daniel and made some meatballs. Yummi. THen I was going home coz I had a friend coming over that evening.

Friday. Lazy day. I had an extremly headache the whole day. I decided to clean and shop some food and I visited the girl who had this apartment before me, in her new apartment.

Today, Saturday. I went to Skövde and met Martin and my aunt. We were in the shoppingmall and were checking for stuff to Martin's apartment. He miss alot on the walls so we were haunting stuff to put up there. After that we went to his apartment and ate some dinner. Yummi! And after that I went back home again, made an omelett, putting up my new lamp (since Zoe destroyed one this morning!), and here I am now. Have burned some movies to Sandra. Jr is sleeping so Im just relaxing, listening to music etc. Tomorrow evening Ill go to Sandra and Daniel and eat with them and play Bingo! Hehe we'll see how that goes. Fingers crossed! 

Now Im gonna sit down in the sofa and just enjoy being inside and hear the rain pour down outside. 
See you soon. 
Love Sarah 

Isnt she cute?! :D  

Here is Sandra with out pet Kurt.

Sandra found a treasure she couldnt resist...

See how happy she is! :)


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