
Okey lets see.
Tomorrow it's Friday again. Just got one word that explains Friday... Yaaaay !
I dont know why, I just feel so motivated on Fridays, for some wierd reason.. but on the other hand, Im a bit wierd aswell so maybe it's a perfect match? :)

Today I have been doing laundry and I can tell you, that was a challenge. Not laundry itself coz that's easy, but I did something really really stupid that I dont even should mention. I just had to tell someone so I called my sister and she laughed her ass off and so did I coz it's always funny afterwards. Not in the moment when you feel like shit..

Anyway, when my laundry was in the machine I was taking a trip to Hjo coz they have this crazy funny store there. Its all about decoration and its insanely cheap. It's perfect for me! And I think it's so funny to make the apartment nice. I really love my new apartment. It really feels like home and it's as I want it to be.

For the moment Zoe is playing with her toy and she is haunting it over the floor. It looks so funny coz she slips on the floor. Aww poor cat. :) But it seems like she thinks it's funny. That my livingrooms becomes a mess is just my problem, not her's.

Okey, back to tomorrow. I have already planned what to do tomorrow.
First of all I will get dressed etc and after that I will take my little car and drive to my sister. If it's okey weather, which I hope, we will go out and look for mushrooms. We will probably bring Daniel's parents dogs so they can run around in the forrest abit. After that we'll go to their home and make a bacon and broccoli pie. Then we will eat the pie (yummi), and after the dinner and when it starts to become evening Ill go home again and my cousin will come and visit me. Probably have something nice to drink, eat some snacks and just talk bullshit and hang out. Thats the plan atleast, but you never know what's happening. :) Thats the exciting part!

Now Im off to bed to load my batteries for tomorrow!
See you around.

Love / Sarah


Tomorrow its no beer for us dear sister! No, then we might get lost in the forrest! This is just a lovely summerpicture. But maybe we deserve a beer after out mushroom-haunting...


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