Me feet are moving but Im standing still!

This day started good. When Jr woke up at 6.15 I wasnt very very tired anymore. Ofc I didnt mind to go and lay down in bed again but I felt I could stay awake coz I was pretty rested, for once. But yeah, ofc I went back to bed for a hour and then went up. I took my pillows and my blanket and had destination sofa! But look at me now! Im sitting here, insanely early to be me, usually I dont get my ass off the sofa before 12, and I have already get dressed!

I dont know what Im gonna do today but I know for sure that I wanna do something! Its sunny outside and I feel pretty good. Yeah right, not to forget to mention, I even had breakfast!
I have some suggestions what to do but I havnt made up my mind, yet! I txted mum and asked if she maybe planned to go to the shoppingmall. If she is, Im going there aswell. Then it's my destiny! If not, well then I have to do something else. Im pretty sure I will take a walk in the sunny weather. Maybe I will colour my hair...

Oh I even payed my bills this morning, I feel so proud. Well done!
Now mom is calling me on skype so I better talk to her.

Love Sarah


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