Right round, like a record.

Sitting here, a regular Saturdaynight, and listen to some nice music. Partymusic according to me. :)
Tomorrow, or today (depens on how you look at it), is Lucia! It means like it's 11 days to X-mas. Jisses, I am freaking out! By this time I usually have Santa Clauses all over the apartment and are planing to get my x-mastree but this year, no.  I dont know why but I just dont feel like it. I gotta be sick. Thank god that I am going to the doc on Tuesday. Maybe she can tell me what's wrong with me. Atleast give me a clue.
Well, maybe I wake up in a few hours and feel that it's time to get my Santas, then I would feel a bit calmer. Back on track. But for the moment, no I dont think so.

I really should go to bed but I dont feel like doing it. A big cold bed, in the dark, in a cold room. Not very tempted. Dont even got the doggie who usually follow me to bed. But I guess I have to... soon atleast. Jr will wake up pretty "soon" and I didnt sleep much at all the night before. Suppose I am too tired to sleep.

Will probably fly one more time around Basin and get some mines, and then off to bed. Maybe... :P

Shit, this is just boring. Sitting here and typing empty words. Pointless.

I guess this is it for tonight.
Atleast it has been an interesting day. Confusing, but still interesting.

Take care.

Love /S


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